Flow Meter Calibration

The specialists at HK Calibration Technologies Pty Ltd (HKCT) have provided gas and fluid flow meter calibration services to Australian industries for over 20 years.

HKCT's dedicated technicians perform certified flow meter calibrations both on-site and in-house. What’s more we can do so within 48 hours.

The types of flow meters that our qualified technicians calibrate include those measuring

  • Air flow
  • Liquid flow (Oil & Gas inclusive of LPG and petroleum)
  • Bio-medical and petrochemical
  • Rotameters
  • Laboratory fume cupboards: certification to AS Standards.
  • Mass flow meters
  • Volumetric flow meters
  • Level transmitters
  • LPG and natural gas
  • Jet A1 fuel meters
  • Sewerage discharge meters as per water authority requirements

Gas and fluid can both be measured in volumetric or mass flow rates and measurements are performed to meet the various Australian standards such as:

  • AS 2360.6.1-1993 - Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits, by mass (while AS 2360.6.2-1993 is by volume).
  • AS/NZS ISO 10012:2004 - Measurement management systems – which outlines the requirements for measurement processes and related equipment.
  • ISO/DIS 4064-1 - Water meters for cold potable water and hot water (metrological and technical requirements).
  • ISO 4064-2:2005 - Measurement of cold and hot water flow in fully charged closed conduits (installation requirements).
  • ISO 3354:2008 - Measurement of clean water flow in closed conduits.
  • AS ISO 13443-2007 - Natural gas, standard reference conditions.
  • AS ISO 14064.1-2006 - Greenhouse gas specifications with direction for quantification and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions and removals.
  • AS/NZS 3200.2.200:2005 - Medical electrical equipment: safety requirements (oxygen concentrators for individual patient use).

With a network of technicians working in six states across Australia, HKCT has built its reputation as an industry leader providing exceptional calibrations and customer service. HKCT’s dedicated technicians and our certified laboratories ensure your equipment maintains or regains its expected accuracy.

No matter if it is calibrating flow meters, pressure gauges or fluke digital multimeters, we always do so as per our motto to 'get it right the first time'.

To find out how we can assist with your flow meter calibration requirements 0385394797 or enquire online.

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