Transition Adapters for Thermocouple Connectors

Adapters that provide quick and easy connections between various mismatched standard, miniature, and banana type thermocouple, RTD, and thermistor temperature connectors.
TAS adaptors provide quick and easy connections between standard and miniature connector systems. These colorcoded units are available in all thermocouple calibrations including Tungsten-Rhenium alloys. Any combination of male and female contacts for miniature and standard positions of the adaptor are available. The TAS-U-6 and TAS-U-7 are only available in uncompensated calibration.

Model No.   Description  
TAS-(*)-1 Male standard to male mini
TAS-(*)-2 Female standard to male mini
TAS-(*)-3 Male standard to female mini
TAS-(*)-4 Female standard to female mini
TAS-U-6 Sheathed banana plug banana plug
TAS-U-7 Sheathed banana plug to banana plug set