HOBO MX Bluetooth Low Energy Water Level Data Loggers

The HOBO MX2001 series water level data loggers simplify and lower the cost of field data collection by providing Bluetooth wireless access to high-accuracy measurements
$742.50 $675.00
The HOBO MX2001 series water level data loggers are designed for convenient wireless setup and download from mobile devices via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE). These loggers dramatically simplify and lower the cost of field data collection by providing wireless access to high-accuracy water level and temperature measurements right from a mobile phone or tablet. The MX2001 Series consists of a top-end unit and a water level sensor, which are sold as a set, plus a direct-read cable to connect them. A functional system requires both a choice of the desired MX2001-* top end unit / sensor and one of 6 CABLE-DR-* different length direct read water level cables. The direct read cables are interchangeable so that the loggers are easy to redeploy for future applications.

You can download the HOBOmobile app for free for Android devices here and for iOS devices here.

The Hobo MX Gateway (purchased separately) can be used to aggregate the data from up to 100 Hobo MX data loggers directly to a PC via Ethernet or WiFi communications.