Expandable Timer Controller

SKU: DCT1000-Series
Panel mounted timer controller board with 6, 10 or 22 channels at 3A per channel. Designed for continuous or on-demand cleaning for receivers and pulse jet systems Expansion and pressure plug-in modules available.

Dwyer Instruments is now a DwyerOmega product brand.

The Series DCT1000 Dust Controller Timer simplifies on-demand cleaning requiremens by eliminating the need for external devices such as pressure switches, relays and timers. The modular design allows for use as a continuous or on-demand cleaning control using the optional plug-in pressure modules.

The Series DCT1000 is the same size for all three versions of channel capacity, 6, 10 and 22 channels allowing one board size to be the standard for one enclosure. The DCT1000 family was designed specifically for pulse-jet type dust collectors. It also has the capability to automatically detect when a channel expander has been connected, expandable up to 255 channels.


Dust Collection
Pneumatic Conveying
Cement Batch Plants

Model Chart

Model Number of Channels Power Requirements DP range
DCT1006 6 85 to 270 Vac 50/60 Hz N/A
DCT1010 10 85 to 270 Vac 50/60 Hz N/A
DCT1022 22 85 to 270 Vac 50/60 Hz N/A
DCT1110 10 85 to 270 Vac 50/60 Hz N/A
DCT1122 22 85 to 270 Vac 50/60 Hz N/A
DCP100A N/A N/A 10" w.c.
DCP200A N/A N/A 20" w.c.

Options Chart

add as a suffice to model number

-AT Aluminum Tag
-COC Certificate of Conformance
-COO Certificate of Origin - US
DCP100A Pressure Module 10" w.c.
DCP200A Pressure Module 20" w.c.
-EXPL Explosion Proof Housing
-ST Stainless Steel Tag
-WP Weatherproof housing
-WPP Weatherproof Housing with Pressure Connection
-WPPS Weatherproof Housing with Pressure Connection & Switch
-WPPH Weatherproof Housing with Horizontal Pressure Connections
-WPPHS Weatherproof Housing with Horizontal Pressure Connections & Switch