1/8 DIN High Accuracy Strain Process Controllers and Meters

CNIS8-DPIS8 Series 1/8 DIN High Accuracy Strain Process Controllers and Meters offer single display with universal inputs and built-in excitation and optional RS232/RS485


For our newest line of controllers with Modbus connectivity, expanded ramp and soak programs, universal inputs, and simple PC programming, visit our CNPT Series.

The OMEGA™ DPi8/CNi8 is a 1.8 DIN size(96 x 48 mm) Digital Panel Meterfeaturing the big iSeries color-changingdisplay. The digits are twice the size oftypical 1/8 DIN panel meters. The iSeriesmeters feature the only LED displaysthat can be programmed to change colorbetween GREEN, AMBER, and RED atany set point or alarm point.

The "DPi8/CNi8" model is available as anextremely accurate programmable digitalpanel meter with no outputs or with dualoutputs for controlling or alarmingfunctions. Other options include isolatedprogrammable analog output, serialcommunications andEthernet. If Modbus is required, we recommend our latest Platinum controllers - CNPT Series. The user can easily programthe DPi8/CNi8 for any control or alarmingrequirement from simple on-off to fullautotune PID with a choice of Form CSPDT relays, Solid State Relays, DCpulse, and Analog (voltage andcurrent) outputs.

Fully Isolated Analog Output forretransmission of the process value isavailable in addition to the control andalarm relays (specify model CNi8A33).The DPi8/CNi8 covers a broad selectionof transducer and transmitter inputs withtwo input models:

The UNIVERSAL TEMPERATURE &PROCESS instrument (model "i")handles ten common types ofthermocouples, multiple RTD's, andseveral Process (DC) Voltage andCurrent ranges.
This model also features built-inexcitation, 24 Vdc @ 25 mA. With it'swide choice of signal inputs, this modelis an excellent choice for measuring orcontrolling temperature with athermocouple, RTD, or 4-20 mAtransmitter.

The STRAIN & PROCESS instrument(model "iS") measures inputs from LoadCells, Pressure Transducers, and mostany strain gauge sensor as well asProcess Voltage and Current ranges.The "iS" has built-in 5 or 10 Vdcexcitation for bridge transducers,5 Vdc@ 40 mA or 10 Vdc @ 60 mA.(Any excitation voltage between 5 and24 Vdc is available by special order).This "iS" model supports 4 and 6 wirebridge configurations, ratiometric andnon-ratiometric measurements. The "iS"features fast and easy "in process"calibration/scaling of the signal inputs toany engineering units. This model alsofeatures 10 Point Linearization whichallows the user to linearize the signalinput from extremely nonlineartransducers of all kinds.